Best of the Net Nominations 2023!

Dear Amazing Readers,

It is with great pleasure we take a break from the crazy heat to share some really good news, our 2023 Best of the Net nominations! There are links to each so you can enjoy the poems. Grats to our nominees—it was tough to narrow down our selections this year. Thank you so much to our lovely contributors for making that job hard—it rocks to have such high quality work. Here are the noms:

Laura Apol “Regret”
Sara Femenella “Infidel”
Pamilerlin Jacob “Dark Fruit”
Erin Little “I’ll never forgive you for loving me most beautifully at the Super 8 in Lake Charles, LA”
William Littlejohn-Oram “Neon Moon with Cicadas”
Haley Winans “While I Watch Flesh Erode off a Raccoon Skull in a Pickle Jar”

Thanks again for your loyal readership. We never take it for granted.

With deep admiration,
Sarah, Caroline and John