Stanley Princewill McDaniels

Blind Colouration

In the dream there was the dream, then
there was the scattering wind, then
there was what the wind
scattered, at which point becomes more & more
indistinguishable, hard to separate the dream from
what happened, harder still
to lay finger to, hold hostage –
& then comes the feeling of not knowing where to
go to, not having where to go to, being water sipping
into the ground, how the ground absorbs you, takes you in
like the prodigal,
& having to watch your life on a train
go in front of you, cabin by cabin, while the dream
kept changing: there was the dream; now
the wind – I have nothing left to say
to the world anymore.


Stanley Princewill McDaniels is a Nigerian poet & 2016 Ebedi International Writers' Residency fellow whose poems have appeared or are forthcoming on Brittlepaper, African Writer, Lunaris Review, Kalahari Review, Bakwa Magazine, Bombay Review, Praxis Magazine, Tuck Magazine amongst others. He lives & roams & drifts...away, away from the harder things.