José Angel Araguz


for Patrick

He explains how one
would warp from writing
in ambulances.

Taking a person’s
name and vitals,
a pen would

bear with him,
take the shape
he holds now

between empty fingers.
This shape he shares
with me while speaking

quietly, I hold it now
and in this space is
the evidence of what is left.


José Angel Araguz, Ph.D. is the author of Rotura (Black Lawrence Press, 2022). His poetry and prose have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Poetry International, The Acentos Review and Oxidant | Engine among other places. He is an Assistant Professor at Suffolk University where he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Salamander and is also a faculty member of the Solstice Low-Residency MFA Program. He blogs and reviews books at The Friday Influence.