Jessica Poli

To My First Lover

And here we are now in the place
where the trees flicker on and off.
I came here, climbed the mountain
despite knowing that you didn’t want
to be saved. The two of us stand in a circle
of breadcrumbs and broken glass,
a dead horse lashed to my back.
You look at me from your blue mouth.
A lake of gin sloshes behind your eyes.
The horse twitches, and I toe
the ground with my boot. All of us
are coiled, full of green longing.
So that we might find our way down,
we hold out hope for the light.


Jessica Poli is the author of four chapbooks, most recently Canyons (BatCat Press, 2018) and co-editor of the collection More in Time: A Tribute to Ted Kooser (University of Nebraska Press, 2021). Her work has appeared in Best New Poets, Southern Indiana Review, The Adroit Journal and Redivider, among others. She is a PhD student at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, founder and editor of Birdfeast and Assistant Poetry Editor of Prairie Schooner.