Fatihah Quadri Eniola

Next life I will return as something sky-hitting.

destiny of the greens ofttimes is the switch in season’s hand       leaves stranded-dry on winter's back       i give a thumb down my cat's hind limb & she writes me a different language of something in captivity

aloe vera, color of spring, juicy against the wall in my skin, gliding into cloths I press for the next 48hour- task in mexico city       langouste in the stewpot the children now spill out in secret places       my neighbor

calls different names of lovers in her sleep & wakes to the back of the door       the sky's patched lips made by the loneliest sparrow fastening the tiny rope of night on day       the bond that holds us is the bondage that

jails us      you ask of catching blue-winged birds outside the patch       i said it's a little luring, a little love       a little brutality, corns tired to ropes that will always lead back to you       on a wheel-ride home, you

describe little horizons       a cop thinks us a pair, the first ball from your mouth is Elvis Presley's Unchained Melody       our bodies happening at intervals, what will fracture us i have seen before an umbrella unite

 us      i want a life of kite, you said it's too light, i asked if I am your blue-winged bird


Born on a Friday in December, Fatihah Quadri Eniola is a young African Poet. Her work has appeared in literary journals like Ice floe, The Shallow Tales Review, The Kalahari and elsewhere. She is nyctophobic and lives with a very cute cat, Honiy. She is an active fellow on Twitter.