Drew Buxton

Curt Hawkins to Mr. Perfect

I have lost two-hundred and sixty-nine
times in a row. It is more than most
will ever accomplish in
a lifetime.

You are perfect
because you are remembered that way.
I know you have
experienced defeat
too, but I don’t recall when or
against whom. I only remember
your flawless blonde
curls and how you once threw
a 70-yard pass and caught
it yourself.

If you’re a diamond like
you said so
many times
then I am the sun that sets you off,
a beam that breaks
through the clouds
just so.


Drew Buxton is a writer from Texas. His short story collection So Much Heart is now available from With An X Books. His work has been featured in Joyland, The Drift, Electric Literature, Ninth Letter and Vice among other publications. Find him at drewbuxton.com.