Chris McCann

Starched, Blue

Light’s return, the storm
and all its flowers
a hole in the sky
where a hole used to be.
In the used car lots
of New Mexico, bright
weeds transmute exhaust
into real estate.
Taking all the pills
together can result
in heightened anxiety
or euphoria, which is what
I’m after, the light
pouring in through all
the tiny holes, the pores
of the body’s largest organ,
desire. And when that yellow
breeze comes to ruffle
the curtains and distribute
the sun’s last glow
on the cracked linoleum floor,
well, my god, that’s the prayer
that will finally bring me
to my knees.


Chris McCann's work has been published in Moss, The Pedestal Magazine, SmokeLong Quarterly, Noctua Review and Salt Hill Journal. He lives on Bainbridge Island in Washington.